Andrew Waldron is a heritage conservation expert & architectural historian in Canada.
He is a heritage conservation manager, published author, lecturer, teacher and researcher, providing services that engage people and communities through history and architecture. His projects are guided by sound knowledge and solid opinions.
Andrew’s goals and principles are to build a better foundation for a more just and equal society through built heritage. His company, savanturier, is a portmanteau, combining knowledge and adventure. savanturier will bring meaning to your values.
- Latest projects
- Past projects
- Specialized experience
- Professional & consultation services
- Teaching
- Research and writing
- Community
- Personal projects
- Art and design
- Other interests

I am the author of Exploring the Capital, an architectural guide for the National Capital Region, available at your local bookstores, or through amazon.ca and Indigo-Chapters You can read more about the book here.
Je suis l’auteur d’Explorer la capitale, un guide d’architecture pour la région de la capitale nationale, disponible dans vos librairies locales, ou la Presse de l’Université d’Ottawa.