Heritage conservation and management are a relatively young discipline, but are an integral aspect to any project. Ignoring historic value and sustainability of place are now an important aspect to building healthy communities. To strive to a better society, heritage management is a worthwhile investment and should not be an after-thought.
savanturier offers many services in planning, teaching, research, reporting and facilitation, including:
- Heritage conservation guidance and advice
- Architectural and historical research
- Heritage assessments and impact studies
- Heritage conservation plans (buildings, districts, landscapes and areas)
- Planning submissions
- Heritage reports and historic sites nominations
- Statements of Significance and Statements of Cultural Heritage Value
- Terms of References and Statements of Work
- Heritage specifications and design reviews
- Heritage registers, inventories and surveys
- Heritage areas and cultural landscapes studies
- Project support documents (project management)
- Adaptive reuse strategies and and options analyses
- Thematic studies and environmental scans
- Group and community facilitation
- Cultural tourism and marketing
- Instruction and education in architecture, history, heritage
- Rehabilitation and retrofit advice on historic buildings